Top five most visited “GT” posts of 2024 (& top 10 all-time “GT” & “GT” Travel posts)

Top five most visited "Good Tourism" Blog posts of 2024. Image by yohoprashant (CC0) via Pixabay

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The last time I put togeth­er lists such as these was in Decem­ber 2021 when many were des­per­ately hop­ing for a bet­ter new year after a tough two. 

We saw a bounce in 2022. Now, in Decem­ber 2024, as much of the tour­ism world has fully recovered, many are wor­ried about over­tour­ism again! 

In this moment, let’s be thank­ful for what’s good about the travel & tour­ism industry while vow­ing to keep a close eye on what’s not-so-good.

On that note of grat­it­ude, thank you to all the won­der­ful Part­ners of “Good Tour­ism” for mak­ing it pos­sible for me to help all the bril­liant “GT” guest authors and “GT” Travel guest authors express them­selves in plain Eng­lish. And a big thanks must go to them too for dar­ing to share their insights on a determ­inedly trans­par­ent plat­form for diverse perspectives.

And thank YOU for reading!

Top five most visited “Good Tourism” Blog posts published in 2024

Giv­en that the most recently pub­lished “GT” posts are unlikely to make this list, this is more of an indic­at­or of what has been of interest to “GT’s” guest authors and read­ers in 2024.

  1. Con­sid­er­ing a career in tour­ism? Import­ant things you should know in 2024 (Bites, March 2024)
  2. The hap­pi­ness factor: Social tour­ism is sus­tain­able tour­ism (Scott McCabe, August 2024)
  3. Prof Dimitri­os Buhal­is on ‘over­tour­ism’ and the ‘demo­crat­isa­tion of tour­ism’ (Jim Butcher, Feb­ru­ary 2024)
  4. What does it mean to be crit­ic­al of tour­ism? (Bites, June 2024)
  5. What did tour­ism learn from the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic? (Bites, Feb­ru­ary 2024)

Considering a career in tourism? Important things you should know in 2024

In 2024, what is the most import­ant thing that a young per­son should under­stand before embark­ing upon a career in tour­ism? It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Bites ques­tion.

The happiness factor: Social tourism is sustainable tourism

Can ‘social tour­ism’ — char­ity- and/or tax­pay­er-sup­por­ted hol­i­days — help alle­vi­ate stress in soci­ety and turn the travel & tour­ism industry’s off-sea­son frowns upside down? Scott McCabe thinks so. 

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis on the ‘democratisation of tourism’ vs ‘overtourism’ ... “[T]here is no such thing as overtourism!”Professor Dimitrios Buhalis on the ‘democratisation of tourism’ vs ‘overtourism’ ... “[T]here is no such thing as overtourism!”

Prof Dimitrios Buhalis on ‘overtourism’ and the ‘democratisation of tourism’

There’s always a ten­sion between rights and respons­ib­il­it­ies; the prom­ise of free­dom for one­self and the poten­tial to infringe upon oth­ers. This is play­ing out in debates about travel & tour­ism, and about what ‘pro­gress’ looks like. For Dimitri­os Buhal­is, prag­mat­ic prob­lem-solv­ing is key to achiev­ing win-win out­comes … for the bil­lions who won’t be denied their dreams. Jim Butcher reflects.

What does it mean to be critical of tourism?

Some “GT” read­ers are crit­ic­al of tour­ism, par­tic­u­larly ‘mass tour­ism’. Some in the uni­ver­sit­ies see them­selves as part of a ‘Crit­ic­al Tour­ism Stud­ies’ move­ment. But what does it mean to be ‘crit­ic­al’ in rela­tion to mod­ern tour­ism? It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Bites ques­tion.

What did tourism learn from the COVID-19 pandemic?

What was the main les­son of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, and has the travel & tour­ism industry learned it? It’s a “Good Tour­ism” Insight Bites ques­tion.

Con­tents ^

Top 10 most visited “Good Tourism” Blog posts of all time

The “Good Tour­ism” Blog popped up in May 2017. 

While more recent “GT” posts have the oppor­tun­ity to tap a lar­ger “GT” audi­ence and social media pres­ence for ini­tial vis­it­a­tion, older “GT” posts enjoy the bene­fit of search engine cred­it and inbound links accu­mu­lated over time. (The exact order and com­pos­i­tion of this list may not be 100% accur­ate due to Google Ana­lyt­ics’ change from UA to GA4, whatever that means. All have vis­it­a­tion num­bers in the thousands.)

Tourism's challenges and threats. Cobra image by P Schreiner (CC0) via Pixabay.'s challenges and threats. Cobra image by P Schreiner (CC0) via Pixabay.
  1. What are tour­is­m’s biggest chal­lenges & threats over the next five years to 2027? (Bites, Novem­ber 2022)
  2. Tour­ist vs trav­el­ler: What’s the dif­fer­ence? (Bites, March 2023)
  3. What is ‘mass tour­ism’? And what’s the prob­lem? (Vil­helmi­ina Vain­ikka, Octo­ber 2023)
  4. Really, what’s the dif­fer­ence? ‘Sus­tain­able tour­ism’ vs ‘regen­er­at­ive tour­ism’ (Bites, Septem­ber 2022)
  5. What are tourism’s biggest chal­lenges & threats over the next five years to 2028? (Bites, Decem­ber 2023)
  6. Regain­ing con­trol: Venice takes ‘smart’ meas­ures to man­age mass tour­ism (Anna Richardot, May 2023)
  7. Con­sid­er­ing a career in tour­ism? Import­ant things you should know in 2024 (Bites, March 2024)
  8. Rur­al tour­ism: Delight­ing tour­ists, devel­op­ing com­munit­ies (Peter Semone, August 2017)
  9. “GT” Insight Bites: Want a career in tour­ism? Import­ant things you should know (Bites, Septem­ber 2022)
  10. All aboard! High-speed train offers com­pel­ling new way to travel through Laos (Khiri Travel, June 2022)

Con­tents ^

Top 10 most visited “GT” Travel Blog posts of all time

In May 2021, “Good Tour­ism” quietly launched The “GT” Travel Blog to offer “informed inspir­a­tion for trav­el­lers from tour­ism insiders”. Here are the 10 most vis­ited “GT” Travel Exper­i­ences so far. (The exact order and com­pos­i­tion of this list may not be 100% accur­ate due to Google Ana­lyt­ics’ change from UA to GA4, whatever that means.)

Lindsay Booth of Off Season Adventure with banana beer in Tanzania 300sqLindsay Booth of Off Season Adventure with banana beer in Tanzania 300sq
  1. Off-peak Tan­zania: Go for wild­life, go again for people (Lind­say Booth, May 2021)
  2. Post­card from Viet­nam: Guided by young people through Hanoi’s Old Quarter (Ed Jack­iewicz and Ron Dav­id­son, Novem­ber 2023)
  3. Impres­sions of east­ern Nepal & the gem that is Ilam (Aay­usha Pra­sain, Novem­ber 2021)
  4. Post­card from Rwanda: A banana beer moment (Dav­id Gill­banks, August 2023)
  5. Immersed in the Amazon (Angelo Sciacca, June 2021)
  6. Sierra Leone changed my life (Meghan L Mul­doon, May 2021)
  7. Old stor­ies, new memor­ies in Valjevo, Ser­bia (Ivana Dam­njan­ović, May 2021)
  8. Exper­i­ence the ‘far side’ of Chit­wan Nation­al Park, Nepal (Aay­usha Pra­sain, Octo­ber 2022)
  9. Amer­ic­an cul­tur­al geo­graph­er picks three favour­ite places to go in Great­er Tokyo (Ron Dav­id­son, March 2024)
  10. In love with a Him­alay­an homestay (Vandana Vijay, May 2021)

Con­tents ^

Be merry

If it’s ‘hol­i­day sea­son’ where you are and you’re tak­ing some time off, these lists should provide you with some excel­lent catch-up reading.

Merry Christ­mas if you cel­eb­rate it. Be merry if you don’t. And have a bril­liant 2025!

Con­tents ^

What do you think? 

In a com­ment below share your thoughts about “GT” con­tent past, present, and future. SIGN IN or REGISTER first. (After sign­ing in you will need to refresh this page to see the com­ments section.) 

Or write a “GT” Insight or “GT” Insight Bite of your own. The “Good Tour­ism” Blog wel­comes diversity of opin­ion and per­spect­ive about travel & tour­ism, because travel & tour­ism is everyone’s business.

This is an open invit­a­tion to travel & tour­ism stake­hold­ers from any back­ground to share their thoughts in plain Eng­lish with a glob­al industry audience.

“GT” doesn’t judge. “GT” pub­lishes. “GT” is where free thought travels.

If you think the tour­ism media land­scape is bet­ter with “GT” in it, then please … 

Featured image (top of post)

Top five most vis­ited “Good Tour­ism” Blog posts of 2024. Image by yohop­rashant (CC0) via Pixabay. “GT” cropped it and added “2024”.

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