SUNx, Murmuration partnership to support creation of tourism climate action plans

SUNx, Murmuration partnership to support tourism climate action plans. Satellite image Wikiimages (CC0) via Pixabay,, Murmuration partnership to support tourism climate action plans. Satellite image Wikiimages (CC0) via Pixabay,

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SUNx (Strong Uni­ver­sal Net­work) and Mur­mur­a­tion have com­bined forces to sup­port tour­ism des­tin­a­tions and busi­nesses in rap­idly cre­at­ing cli­mate action plans. This is an imme­di­ate response to the Baku Tour­ism Declaration.

Murmuration’s power­ful cli­mate risk mod­el­ling tech­no­logy and SUNx Cli­mate Friendly Travel Ser­vices’ AI solu­tions will deliv­er high qual­ity, data led, cli­mate action plans at low cost. In addi­tion, the part­ners offer cli­mate response train­ing and cli­mate risk modelling.

By integ­rat­ing their expert­ise, this part­ner­ship provides a com­pre­hens­ive solu­tion for des­tin­a­tions and tour­ism act­ors. They gain a detailed under­stand­ing of their envir­on­ment­al con­text, includ­ing the cur­rent state and future evol­u­tion of key cli­mate factors, enabling them to make informed decisions. Tailored recom­mend­a­tions empower them to address spe­cif­ic challenges.

The Mur­mur­a­tion tech­no­logy lever­ages advanced satel­lite data to gen­er­ate pre­cise envir­on­ment­al indic­at­ors across cat­egor­ies such as water, air, biod­iversity, soil, cli­mate, and human activ­it­ies. These insights are used to mod­el cli­mate impact scen­ari­os for private and pub­lic tour­ism stakeholders.

SUNx Cli­mate Friendly Travel Ser­vices’ AI eval­u­ates a range of cli­mate threats and offers solu­tions, with cost sav­ing and pro­fes­sion­al sup­port sys­tems, in areas such as renew­able energy, waste reduc­tion, water man­age­ment, and wild­life support.

Professor Geoffrey LipmanProfessor Geoffrey Lipman
Prof Geof­frey Lipman

SUNx Pres­id­ent Prof Geof­frey Lip­man said: “The inter­na­tion­al com­munity is call­ing for accel­er­ated cli­mate adapt­a­tion and emis­sion reduc­tion. Work­ing with Mur­mur­a­tion, we are help­ing put in place Cli­mate Friendly Travel plans that not only tar­get Par­is 1.5 but also deliv­er sus­tain­able and nature pos­it­ive solutions.”

Mur­mur­a­tion Founder Dr Tarek Habib said: “Com­bin­ing satel­lite data-based scen­ari­os and AI led ana­lys­is and recom­mend­a­tions changes the game for tour­ism stake­hold­ers. And puts them in con­trol of their own destinies.”

Mur­mur­a­tion claims to be the first to use satel­lite data to meas­ure the impact of tour­ism on the plan­et. The com­pany’s mis­sion is to “dis­sem­in­ate our data and tech­no­lo­gic­al expert­ise to place the envir­on­ment at the heart of decision-mak­ing”. Using satel­lite imagery and sensor data, Mur­mur­a­tion devel­ops indic­at­ors that “enable the integ­ra­tion of envir­on­ment­al issues into pub­lic and private sec­tor decisions worldwide”.

SUNx Cli­mate Friendly Travel Ser­vices sup­ports tour­ism des­tin­a­tions and busi­nesses to adapt to the chal­lenges of cli­mate change and to devel­op cli­mate action plans which reduce their envir­on­ment­al impact and save money. SUNx Malta is our lead pro­gram driv­ing Cli­mate Friendly Travel (Par­is 1.5: SDG: Nature +ve) and focussed on Edu­ca­tion 2 Action espe­cially in Devel­op­ing and Small Island States.

About SUNx Malta

Maurice F StrongMaurice F Strong
Maurice F Strong
SUNx Malta for Climate Friendly Travel (CFT)SUNx Malta for Climate Friendly Travel (CFT)

SUNx Malta is a leg­acy for the late Maurice Strong, fath­er of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. Its goal is to advance Cli­mate Friendly Travel (CFT) ~ Par­is 1.5 and SDG linked. 

SUNx has a core part­ner­ship with Malta’s Min­istry of Tour­ism and Malta Tour­ism Author­ity, to advance CFT, to cre­ate a UNFC­CC-linked CFT Registry, and to pro­mote CFT Edu­ca­tion. It plans to put in place 100,000 Strong Cli­mate Cham­pi­ons across all UN States by 2030.

Don’t miss oth­er “GT” Part­ner mes­sages from SUNx Malta

Featured image (top of post)

Satel­lite image of Egypt by WikiIm­ages (CC0) via Pixabay.

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